Tire Safety 101: When to Replace Your Tires and Avoid a Ruined Day

Dear Mike,

I’m having trouble figuring out when I should replace my tires. I’m not sure if the usual mile range provided by the manufacturer applies to me because I mostly drive in the city. Additionally, I don’t see any obvious signs of wear and tear. What should I look for? I appreciate your advice.



Hey there Lorelei,

Thanks for reaching out, and I’m glad you’re taking your tires seriously! A set of bad tires can ruin your day faster than finding out the coffee shop is out of croissants.

You’re right, the mileage range provided by the manufacturer doesn’t always apply to everyone. City driving can be just as tough on tires, if not tougher, than highway driving. Stop-and-go traffic puts a lot of extra stress on your tires, which can lead to wear and tear even if you’re not piling on the miles.

As for signs of wear and tear, it’s not always obvious. Tires can wear unevenly, which means you might not see anything drastic just by looking at them. That’s why it’s important to check the tread depth and manufacture date, like I mentioned in my previous email.

If you’re still unsure if your tires need replacing, it might be worth a trip to a professional to get them looked at. Sometimes a mechanic can spot a problem that you might not see – think of them as the tire whisperer. Plus, visiting a shop like Urban Automotive is a great excuse to do some window shopping for cool car accessories! (Hint hint, nudge nudge).

One last thing to keep in mind – just because your tires aren’t showing signs of wear and tear yet doesn’t mean you should put off getting new ones. Tires have a shelf life, and after six years they can start to dry out and become a safety risk. Think of it like your morning banana bread – it might not be moldy yet, but after sitting on the counter for six days it’s probably time to toss it. Trust me, you don’t want to be driving on an expired banana bread tire.

Hopefully that clears things up a bit for you, Lorelei. Remember – tire safety is no joke. Keep an eye on your tires, and if in doubt, take them to a trusted mechanic. Stay safe out there, and happy driving!

Best regards,
Mike Urban